Uplifting others for a brighter Future GREATER MINDS!!!

Greater minds Inc Mission is to help Mental Health Clients; showing compassion in healing power! Freedom of recovering with respect and love to each client mind, Body & Soul. Faith in motion to win and overcome all circumstances and Struggles mentally & Physically. We’re taking an innovative approach to care fostering wellness we are a nonprofit organization with a commitment to ensure healing and to prove “WHAT MENTAL ILLNESS IS NOT”

We serve Families, Children, Youths, Teenagers, adults and Seniors. Making each age group know how important they are to our community. Greater Minds inc Goals is to provide culturally competent wellness focused services that promote all with a social -emotional development, providing compassionate care for Mental issues and health challenges. We address each client circumstances with care dedication to create GREATER MINDS!

Continuing counseling & Intervention

We create a atmosphere that is comfortable and educate clients supporting programs to address the needs of each individual client and their place in communities. From training on the health awareness, to new dietsl methods, we help client make their home life engaging and successful.

Support for Communities

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the home, school & work place to help ensure clients have the necessary support to do their best in creating Greater Minds and the way they view life.

“With the support from Church, community we have been able to serve our clients better than ever.”


Greater Minds Inc



(954) 682-0382